They made the plate of the holy crown of pure gold, and inscribed it like the engravings of a signet, "Holy to the Lord".

- Exodus 39:30

JESUS is the WORD of God Who Brings the GLORY of God

— John 8

23And He was saying to them, "You are from below, I am from above; you are of this world, I am not of this world. 24Therefore I said to you that you would die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins."

25So they were saying to Him, "Who are You?" Jesus said to them, "What have I been saying to you from the beginning? 26I have many things to speak and to judge concerning you, but He who sent Me is true; and the things which I heard from Him, these I speak to the world."

31So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; 32and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."

42Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and have come from God, for I have not even come on My own initiative, but He sent Me. 43Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot hear My word."

56"Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad." 57So the Jews said to Him, "You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?" 58Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am."

— John 10

23It was winter, and Jesus was walking in the temple in the portico of Solomon. 24The Jews then gathered around Him, and were saying to Him, "How long will You keep us in suspense? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly." 25Jesus answered them, "I told you, and you do not believe; the works that I do in My Father's name, these testify of Me. 26But you do not believe because you are not of My sheep. 27My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; 28and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand."

30"I and the Father are one."

— John 16

23"In that day you will not question Me about anything. Truly, truly, I say to you, if you ask the Father for anything in My name, He will give it to you. 24Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full."

25"These things I have spoken to you in figurative language; an hour is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figurative language, but will tell you plainly of the Father. 26In that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say to you that I will request of the Father on your behalf; 27for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came forth from the Father. 28I came forth from the Father and have come into the world; I am leaving the world again and going to the Father."

— John 17

1Jesus spoke these things; and lifting up His eyes to heaven, He said, "Father, the hour has come; glorify Your Son, that the Son may glorify You, 2even as You gave Him authority over all flesh, that to all whom You have given Him, He may give eternal life. 3This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ who You have sent. 4I glorified You on the earth, having accomplished the work which You have given Me to do. 5Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was."

17"Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth."

— John 18

4So, Jesus, knowing all the things that were coming upon Him, went forth and said to them, "Whom do you seek?" 5They answered Him, "Jesus the Nazarene." He said to them, "I am He." And Judas also, who was betraying Him, was standing with them. 6So when He said to them, "I am He," they drew back and fell to the ground.

— John 20

30Therefore many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.

— John 21

25And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written.

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The Holy Spirit


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Troy Prayers

Jesus we exalt you and I know Lord that you would show up nonetheless I know God you're faithful even when we are faithless Lord even when we make mistakes you are so true you're so good you're so pure you're so righteous Jesus and I know that our righteousness is completely reliant upon your sacrifice our ability to come in and to speak to you Holy Spirit and to know you Jesus to come into the presence of the throne room of the Father

it's based on what Jesus did for us and I want to say thank you Jesus for dying thank you for suffering for us thank you for taking the thorns in your head thank you for taking the whips the lashes Lord thank you for taking the beatings and the mocking and the threats and the violence against you thank you for taking the blasphemy or the people spitting on you and shaming you Lord and denying you and accusing you falsely thank you for dying for us for taking the nails in your hands and your feet we're just in awe of you Jesus and we're just so in need of you and we rely on you for everything for our very life Lord the very breath that we're breathing so I ask that you speak through this time today that it would not be me speaking but you that people hear what you want them to hear Father and Father I ask that you send your Holy Spirit to baptize people but also to confirm what's being said Lord confirm what's from you Lord and if there's anything I say that's not from you God help it not to land help it to be ignored thank you Holy Spirit we love you Jesus I love you Jesus

oh Jesus you're more than enough [Music] and i'm letting go of all of my fears of the need to control [Music] Lord you're more than enough and i'm letting go of all of my fears of the need to control Jesus your love is enough your grace is enough [Music] your spirit is here so we open up our hearts to you Lord we lay down our wills Father we lay down our ambitions when the things that get in the way when we invite you in Holy Spirit we invite you in come and have your way we invite you in [Music] Holy Spirit we invite you in to come and have your way this is for you God oh this is for you

thank you Holy Spirit for your presence thank you Jesus for your word for your truth thank you that you're breaking down lies today you're breaking down walls between you and your people Lord between you and those who need to come into relationship with you as well Lord I thank you Jesus for again for your love that never fails your love that surpasses knowledge and I ask that you begin to reveal the love of the Father Holy Spirit to begin to pour it out into people's hearts and especially during this time in Jesus mighty name thank you Holy Spirit for being here

Jesus actually promised that his yoke is easy his burden is light so there's so much freedom and joy and confirmation from the Holy Spirit that comes when we are willing to lay those things down and we're willing to surrender and we're willing to take that great that step of faith like sometimes great faith to do what God is calling us to do

Holy Spirit we come before you as your people who want to do your will who want to know you more every day who want to be in close proximity with you Jesus and we ask that you pour out the fire of your Holy Spirit the fire of God so that we experience the confirmations we need when it's your voice the confirmations we need when it's a step you want us to take Lord and I ask specifically for the fire of the Holy Spirit on the career paths and the big life decisions that people are trying to decide that they know when they start going one direction you would be on it when they start going the other direction you would not be Lord that you confirm and say no this is the way I've called you to go this is what I've designed for you this is my purpose for you I hear the Holy Spirit saying I'm showing you more and more in this season what that looks like you open your heart up to me and be willing to listen with faith be willing to listen and see what i'm doing even when it feels impossible even when it seems like something too much for you to handle or too big for you to do and I feel the power of the Holy Spirit in the presence of God even the little things I hear the Lord saying for some it's going to be little things and I just want you to be faithful to remain true to what i'm giving you to do in this season if I can trust you with the little things I can trust you with much and let's start right there the daily activities sometimes i'm going to ask you to go a certain place to ask you to talk to somebody not to speak to somebody i'm going to ask you to give something away i'm going to ask you to start something a group i'm going to ask you to share a word of knowledge i'm going to give you a word of knowledge for someone and then i'm going to confirm it to you that it was me thank you Holy Spirit

the Lord gave me two verses from luke 19 starting in verse 9 it says and zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord behold Lord the half of my goods I give to the poor and if I have defrauded anyone of anything I restore it fourfold and Jesus said to him today salvation has come to this house since he also is a son of abraham okay so this is what the Lord is saying it's about the story of zacchaeus he was a tax collector and he took money from people he wasn't supposed to take he was greedy and then he wanted to see Jesus he climbs up in a tree Jesus walks by and Jesus calls up to him personally out of nowhere and then invites himself over basically says I'm going to come over to your house today zacchaeus gets radically changed by Jesus his heart changes and suddenly he decides to give back what he's stolen and more on top of that the second passage is luke 19:18 Jesus is telling a parable about a king who leaves on a journey he gives money to three different servants one is ten minas one is five minas and one is one mina the the guy who had ten he invests it or does business deals or whatever and he gets ten more he doubles it the guy with five doubles it the guy with one hides it and then the king comes back and he hasn't made anything with what he had and the second came saying Lord your mina has made five minas and he said to him you are to be over five cities so he rewards the servants for their faithfulness with the resources he gave them and another came saying Lord here is your mina which I kept laid away in a handkerchief for I was afraid of you because you are a severe man you take what you did not deposit and reap what you did not sow and he said to him I will condemn you with your own words so the implication is this guy was not correct in his assumptions about the master he's like you're a harsh man so I was so afraid of even using what you'd given me I didn't want to lose it so I just hit it away and I didn't do anything with it and i believe Jesus is not talking about money in this parable he's talking about the kingdom of heaven he's talking about the kingdom of God on earth and he's talking about the gifts he's given us and the callings and the the dreams and yes even money and resources things like that he's talking about everything he's given us what are we doing for the sake of his kingdom and how are we responding to what he has said to us and this is what I believe the Holy Spirit's saying through this is the same thing that I was saying earlier is that zacchaeus on one hand he gets radically changed and suddenly he realizes I have all of this that really doesn't belong to me and he makes a very generous gift to the poor and and he decides to sacrifice a whole lot for the kingdom of God but it was a sacrifice that was a response to the heart change it wasn't a sacrifice to earn something it was a sacrifice because Jesus had already come into his house and yet it was a sacrifice nonetheless it was a giving of something it was a laying down it was a saying what I'm not going to be this way anymore I'm going to lay down the way I've been and the things that I've got in this life because I can see Jesus in front of me and he's offering me so much more and then Jesus says today salvation has come to this house since he also is a son of Abraham what is Jesus talking about there he says he's the son of Abraham Abraham was the Father of faith so he's saying this is a faith-filled response what Jesus is saying there he's saying his sacrifice was a faith response to what I've said to him today and then this is the opposite view in luke 19 it's showing us the other side and this is the third servant who comes and he says here's the mina which I laid away in a handkerchief and for I was afraid of you because you're a severe man what did the master ask the servants to do he entrusted this to them this resource because he wanted to see a multiplication he wanted to see a result he asked them to invest it or to start a business or to do something like that he asked them to multiply it he did not ask them to hide it away and then this passage goes on to say you should have at least put it in the bank you should have at least supported somebody else who was investing and they get a little bit of return back in that way you should have at least done that but this is the picture I'm seeing with these two passages right next to each other in luke 19 is this idea of our willingness to sacrifice for the Lord and respond in faith to what God has said is always going to be fighting against the fear aspect the fear of well what if I fail what if I don't succeed what if I look like an idiot what if I step out and I give a word of knowledge to somebody and I just end up being wrong and I totally missed God on it what I believe the Holy Spirit's saying right now and I hear him saying this right now i would rather you miss me in obedience than never do anything at all with what I've given you and that's where that willingness to lay our pride down comes in that willingness to look like a fool that willingness to say hey I think God is telling me this for you that random person we ran into and for them to say no that's not right then we look like an idiot we look like we're not hearing from God at all we look like we don't know what we're talking about but it's like sometimes that's part of the process of learning to respond to the Lord in faith is it's like hey I'm laying your pride and I say you know what I missed it I missed the Lord you know I thought that was what he was asking me to do but here's what I've learned y'all there are very very few times where I have honestly believed God had told me to do something and then I stepped out to do it and I did not see God do something miraculous very few times most of the time 99% of the time God blows my mind and I say you know what why did it take me so long to get around to responding to faith why did it take me so long to do this and here's the picture I want to leave you with before I share this last word is you never know the impact you're gonna have on somebody when you're obedient to the Holy Spirit but sometimes you get to see the way that they're receiving the love of God you get to see it in their eyes you get to hear it in their voice when you say that thing or when you do that thing you give that thing think about the way zacchaeus felt when he gave all of those things away think about the people that he was ripping off that he went back to it says he said I restore it fourfold he went back to the person he ripped off they knew they were getting ripped off they knew he was ripping them off they couldn't do anything about it because he had the roman army backing him but he went back to them and he gave them four times back what he stole think about their reaction in that moment probably they needed it like think about what he got to see the love of Jesus he got to share with people and think about this think about the opportunity that he had in that moment when people said why are you doing this and when they said I've never seen a tax collector do this before think about the the opportunities for him to say it's because I climbed up in a tree and Jesus walked by and he called out to me thinking oh my gosh that moment [Laughter] absolutely worth anything that we have to lay down anything that we have to sacrifice to be obedient and to step out in faith

I listened to a randy clark sermon recently this is probably six months back or so and it was all about martyrs literally current day martyrs people that have given their lives or have been beat literally to the edge of death for the sake of christ people that have sacrificed or suffered a lot for Jesus today in especially different countries around the world preaching the gospel and trying to reach the lost and start new churches in places that don't have christianity and at the end of this sermon he was speaking to a live audience but what he said was I want everybody to come up who feels called to be a missionary or called to be an evangelist especially in other nations any he said come up to the front and he said I want you to pretend like the same way a church would call for an offering where you would come up place your money in the offering bucket he said I want you to come up to the front and then I want you to visualize an offering bucket I want you to step into it I want you to see yourself placing yourself in the offering bucket you're the offering and then he prayed for people to receive the fire of the Holy Spirit as a confirmation and so I'm like standing in my front yard and I'm praying for this y'all because I'm doing what he's saying you know I'm like I want that to be me I want to lay everything down for the sake of Jesus and I put my hands out and I started to feel the fire of God so strong and I'm literally just listening to a recorded session from who knows how long ago this video on youtube and I set my phone down in the grass and I just stood there in the dark in my front yard and I put my hands out in front of me and I just said God I'm placing myself in the offering and I said I need the baptism of your Holy Spirit I need the baptism of fire and this heat like an electricity shot through my hands and through my arms and literally through my body but it was mostly in my hands and I knew it was a manifestation of the presence of the Holy Spirit specifically the fire of the Holy Spirit so I want to pray for that before I end this and then I'm going to end this if you are in that place or you're saying I'm called to preach the gospel it could be online it could be in your neighborhood it could be in your church it could be around the world it could be down the street it could be on the other side of the country that you live in whatever if you're called to preach the gospel and I'm getting this impression from the Lord that there's people here that are called and it's in none of those ways you're called to preach the gospel but it's in a new creative way that the Lord is gonna be showing you and revealing to you in the days ahead he's gonna be giving you these ideas where you're gonna say wait no one's ever done that I can't do that can I and the Lord is saying yes I'm giving you these ideas so that you can get the gospel in front of people in ways that no one's ever thought of before he's giving you creativity Jesus said be innocent as doves but as clever as serpents you know there's that cleverness of the Holy Spirit that comes in where he says here's the opportunity take it you know there's a void here where the gospel is not being preached and you are the one to take it you're the one to preach it and I'm hearing the holy spirit saying that so if you know that's you and you're saying I want to feel the fire of the Holy Spirit not just to feel it but to receive that confirmation to have his presence to know to get the confirmation just like gideon saying Lord I know you're telling me to do this but I want to be sure this is your voice before I do it I want to be absolutely sure that is one of the the reasons for the fire of the Holy Spirit it's one of the reasons for the manifestation of his presence for his glory falling on people for his glory falling in videos online it absolutely happens to me all the time for his glory falling when you're in the secret place with the Holy Spirit with Jesus in your prayer closet you don't have to be in a huge service for the glory of the Lord to show up it can show up right where you're at but here's when the glory shows up most of the time I believe is when we're in a place of obedience obedience attracts his presence and obedience requires faith requires us to be in a place of faith and faith often requires that faith step often requires sacrifice a willingness to lay down our own lives for the sake of christ so if you're in that place and you say I want to spread the gospel and I need the Lord I need his confirmation I need his presence I'm going to pray for you one one last time Holy Spirit I ask and I want you to if you can to lift your hands or set your hands in front of you and if you can close your eyes say Father I ask that you baptize me again with your Holy Spirit in a fresh new way I ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit I ask you to light that spark in my heart that flame and I'm seeing an image of a candle that's been lit it's been burning for a while and it's still going strong it's a huge flame on a small candle and I believe the Holy Spirit is wanting to light this fire in our hearts it's never going to go out it may look like something that people could blow out but it's going to withstand the winds and the waves of this life it's going to be a passion for Jesus that nothing is ever going to distort and nothing is ever going to destroy and it's just going to get stronger and stronger and brighter and brighter as the days go ahead and as even as the darkness in this world grows the light in your heart for the Lord is going to grow and grow and the light that you're shining to others is going to grow and grow and I believe the holy spirit and his presence and the gifts of the spirit and the miracles he wants to work through you those things are going to be evidences of the life of Jesus in your heart and the life of God that's on your lips the things that you're sharing the gospel that you're proclaiming so Father I just ask that you would baptize people right now and specifically in the fire that the fire of the Holy Spirit would fall on people as they're listening in Jesus’ name because of your grace because of your plan because of your plan for people or that you confirm your plan to people right now that you bring those dreams to people's mind those desires those ideas and then you confirm it Lord with the manifestation of your presence and with your glory in Jesus’ mighty name and I'm feeling the glory of God right now on me there's the glory of God in the room right now and I hear the Lord saying that the Holy Spirit is represented by fire and wind in scripture fire and wind and some people are going to actually experience the wind of the Holy Spirit it could be a physical manifestation it can also describe what Jesus said when he described the Holy Spirit and he said those who are led by the spirit it's like the wind you see the effects of it you know things are getting blown around but you don't see it like there's going to be this passion and this motivation in your heart that is from God and it grows every time you spend time in his presence that's how you know it's God is anytime you start reading the word he's going to grow this passion this dream and this desire inside of you and it's going to be like the word says there's going to be a voice behind you telling you to go left or right it's going to be like this voice that keeps telling you this is it this is what I have for you says the Lord this is what I'm asking you to do and the more that you allow the Holy Spirit to confirm that and you ask you can ask for confirmation just like gideon you say God I need you to confirm this if this is from you don't run with something if you're not sure if it's the Lord or not don't run with it unless you know it's the Lord but God is going to start bringing those things and that's going to be the wind of the Holy Spirit in your life and you're going to be like those sails like a ship that's catching the wind you can only move if the wind's blowing right you can only move with the winds blowing and there's going to be times of stillness where the Holy Spirit's presence is there it's a beautiful presence but he's just saying rest and there's going to be other times where he's saying okay it's time to go all right it's time to go catch this fire catch this one catch what I'm asking you to do

Troy Prophesies

on may 15th I saw this vision of a man who was planting plants and soil and then I saw this person as he started to sink down into the soil himself and he's observing and inspecting one of the plants that he's planting and then I heard the Holy Spirit say this is like what many of my servants are doing in the church looking for fruit before being planted then he said the little things you can grow while still being a free agent are not fruit bearing plants and then he said you must plant yourself fully immerse yourself into my purpose through interaction with my Holy Spirit on a daily basis

I heard on may 29th and this is specifically about shortages I saw a vision of rolls of quarters and I heard this while I was worshiping the Lord earlier I heard bank error in your favor and then I heard the Holy Spirit say i'm going to provide for my people in ways they do not expect I hear so many more words from the Lord about his provision and his goodness and his willingness to provide and his willingness to take care of his people than I ever do about bad things happening God is absolutely our provider and he's absolutely our healer and he's absolutely in control I saw this vision on may 29th I saw these thin baby wipe packages stacked up next to each other on a shelf and I heard the Lord say baby wipes and materials will be in short supply but there will be enough

this is what I also heard on may 29th and this is a word about mass delusion and I've been seeing these visions for months now and actually probably a whole year and I didn't know what they were until now I was not sure what this meant but I've been seeing these visions of bumblebees flying to flowers and flying around sometimes I'll see a lot of them sometimes I'll only see a few of them and on may 29th I heard the Lord start to explain this he said the bees are a mass delusion coming that will spread quickly it will start this year and continue to grow over the next couple of years and then he said the months prior an earthquake is going to happen east of china that the world will take notice of this is a sign that what I'm saying is true when the sign happens brace yourself for the spreading of misinformation that will detour many from the path I have for them if they are not careful and then the Lord got specific about the vision I saw he said the bees are the carriers so this is like what it represents in the vision I saw the bees represent the carriers he said the pollen is the misinformation so the carriers are spreading the misinformation the flowers are the people that believe what is said and let it affect them and change them so y'all I believe if we're listening to the Holy Spirit we're staying in the word of God and we are meeting together with other christians and we are building each other up in faith we're not going to have a problem with this it's not going to be something where we're tricked by something it's going to be something where we're like okay let's go this way with everybody this is going to be something that's going to be obvious to us it's something that God's saying is misinformation that will detour many from the path I have for them if they're not careful and this is not a fear-based thing we don't have to be afraid we don't have to move in fear I'm just gonna stay close to my savior I'm gonna stay in fellowship with the Holy Spirit and I'll be just fine that is a faith-based perspective on the future I'm going to be just fine if I'm with my savior if I'm with my Lord if I'm walking with him and whatever he brings my way is what I'm going to walk through faithfully

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The word "peace" reflects the Heb. "Shalom", which became a greeting to His disciples after the resurrection. At the individual level this peace, unknown to the unsaved, secures composure in difficult trouble, dissolves fear, and rules in the hearts of God's people to maintain harmony.

"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you."— John 14:27